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First and foremost, is Training the answer to the problem?
  • We can assist you to Analyze the issue(s)
  • If Training is the answer, we will help you design and develop Targeted Training
  • If Training is NOT the answer, we will help you find the Root Cause and fix the underlying issue
Are you spending $$$ to "train" your people, but see no change in performance?
  • Are you evaluating pre-training and post-training performance?
  • Is training DESIGNED to address your business goal(s)?
  • Are both the training and the delivery method DESIGNED for your specific Audience(s)?
  • Does each person feel that training is relevant to their job?
  • Is existing training both goal-effective and Cost-Effective?

GREAT Training provides measurable changes and measurable Return on Investment (ROI).

The last component of the ADDIE model is Evaluation.  Evaluation logically leads back to Analysis, which means that the ADDIE model, when properly implemented, is a Continuous Improvement Process.

The accepted method for Evaluation of Training Effectiveness is the Kirkpatrick model:

REACTION:  Do the persons being trained react positively both to the training method and to the training content?

LEARNING:  Does the combination of training method and training content transfer or instill the desired knowledge, skills, and/or attitude?

BEHAVIOR:  Does the combination of training method and training content produce a measurable change in on-the-job performance?

RESULTS:   Does the combination of training method and training content produce measurable change(s) toward the target goal(s)?

Poor training carries very high costs.  These may range from lack of positive change to an actual negative change in the business goal.  Poor results are often a result of a "low-cost" approach to training, such as:
  • having a Subject Matter Expert (SME) "train" others
    • Many/most SME are not capable of presenting to a lower-level audience
    • Presentations tend to be lengthy, and somewhat disconnected
  • having everyone attend one "all encompassing" training session
    • Can you afford to pay all employees to attend a "general" training, when only 10% of that training applies to their specific job?
  • shoving a person into a room with a computer or monitor and having them complete a canned "training"
    • CBT/VBT/eLearning certainly CAN be effective -- but most is not
    • Often, the wrong method of delivery wastes the $$$ spent to create the training
    • Well-designed training considers the best method(s) of delivery for each subject
  • having no measure of retention of the information

Targeted training carries LOWER costs than "shotgun" training, has greater impact, produces measurable results, and does not confuse people with training that is either above or below their level.

Professional Analysis, Design, Development, Instruction (Implementation), and Evaluation (ADDIE) carries greatly reduced costs when compared to any simplistic method.  Professional training design and delivery takes into account the need to minimize impact upon trainee time while maximizing the effectiveness of the training.

Analysis --Training needs analysis
  •  WHO is/are the Audience(s) for this training? (i.e., job function group(s))
  • WHAT does each Audience need to learn?
  • Which METHOD is best to present this topic to the specific Audience?
  • What are the GOALS of the training?
  • How will attainment of these goals be MEASURED?

Design -- Curriculum design
  • Training that is designed to be complete, effective, and targeted to the required audience(s)
  • Training that involves the trainee to the maximum degree

Develop -- Curriculum development
  • Training materials and presentations that meet the goals of the design
  • Pilot, take feedback, improve, and implement

Instruct (Implement)
  • On-site training
    • Moving, active, professionally presented training that seeks to reap maximum benefit from every costly moment of your employee's time
    • Presentation that is designed to enhance short-term and long-term retention, and tie to business goals.
  • Web-Based Training (WBT) or Computer-Based Training (CBT)
    • Training designed a) to allow the trainee to "uncover" the answers to his/her questions as a part of the training, and b) to reinforce learning as part of the session and final exams.
    • If well-designed, WBT and CBT can have good impact while limiting time lost to classroom training
    • BUT, not every skill or process can be addressed as needed using WBT/CBT.  For this reason, the Training Needs Analysis must focus upon the requirements for the delivery method, as well as upon the content.

  • End of session and end of course quizzes that measure training effectiveness and ensure learning
  • Feedback mechanisms to receive input from the trainee, from the manager(s) of the trainee, and from other interested parties to correct and improve the courseware
  • Regularly scheduled reviews of course goals, delivery method(s), and training materials
    • Management of changes for course materials.

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